Review: Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (Wii)


When Han Solo is faced with unwelcome questions, he tends to disquiet his interlocutor ("I don't have information technology with me"), then simply blast them. During the Puerto Rico kerfuffle that surrounds a flic release, Harrison Ford adopts a different advance: atomic number 2 answers banal questions in a droning so dull it saps the energy from about the most demented celebrity hack. The once and future Indiana Jones only seems to perk up when he's discussing stunt make for – his respect for stuntmen and what he describes every bit "physical playing" seems utterly genuine.

Ford would hopefully dig Indiana Jones And The Staff Of Kings, since its dominant gameplay mode is "old-fashioned brawl simulator." In its Nintendo Wii incarnation (it's also on tap for the PS2, PSP and ScD) the game encourages you to swing enthusiastically with the Wiimote and Nunchuck; happening-projection screen, Indy jabs, maulers and delivers exaggerated haymakers to a swarm of stereotypic heavies. With sole six punches and one riposte-move, it isn't on the nose Engagement Night Round 4 – or even Punch-Out!! – only there are few things as satisfying as clocking a diabolical henchman on the lambaste with a considerably-timed uppercut. Throw in some gnarly whip moves – choking opponents, snapping weapons out of their grasp or causative context-sensitive takedowns – and it's great knockabout fun. One of the two character types is patently based on that hulking Nazi engineer, indeed it's especially satisfying to crack him over the pass with a dustbin lid.

When you're non busting chops, you'ray zig-zagging between Central America, San Francisco, Istanbul and Nepal, exploring and gravel-solving along the way. The art obviously can't compare with modern font descendants like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune operating room recent Tomb Raiders, only a combining of bloom effects, smoggy filters and convincing biology mare's nest creates a creditably conventionalised atmosphere, aided away a lead voice actor understandably relishing the chance to channel classic Ford. Gunplay is limited to discrete interludes that are bantam more than shot galleries, but they in effect expose up the pace and benefit hugely from broad use up of Indy's touch revolver uninjured effect, which makes his faithful six-gun for hire sound like a cannon going off. The final section of each level mixes things in the lead with short vehicle sections, including aerial dogfights, elephant-riding and cycle-and-sidecar chases that, while sometimes confusing, ne'er outstay their receive.


Staff Of Kings is set in 1939, which means Indy can face soured against a fellow enemy. "Nazis! Wherefore'd it receive to be Nazis?" he mutters at unrivaled spot, and this smushing together of two classic Indy quotes neatly sums up the game's approach: Rather than just restaging loved scenes from the existing films, it evokes them in new situations. Largely, it full treatmen – who doesn't want to see Indy retrieve his homburg at the unlikely millisecond, or go bad for his revolving door only to discover that it's not there? – but the actual storyline feels preferably muddled. It's only halfway through and through the quest that Indy realizes what sacred artefact He's supposed to be unearthing – the staff of Moses – and most of the supporting cast (including an ageing mentor-in-peril and an Irish whiskey love concern) barely operate as plot devices let only well-rounded characters.

But if the target of an Indiana Jones game is to make you find the likes of Indiana freakin' Jones, Faculty Of Kings does a becoming job, even if one of the most effective filters applied to the game is possibly external: the player's own nostalgia, constantly tickled away Privy Williams' nitty-gritt-quickening musical score. After wondrous through the story fashion, you're encouraged to revisit levels to uncover more anthropology booty surgery perform accomplishment-esque tasks. (In a rather literal invocation of Indy's Tabernacle Of Doom mantra, these extras are categorized as "lot" and "glory.") There's also an eight-chapter two-player mode that pairs Indy with Henry Jones, Sr. – after a shaky start, information technology offers both a decent slab of co-op fun and a legitimate excuse to cold your Sean Connery impersonation. ("You call thish archaeology?") And if you can't get enough of the brawling, there are standalone arena modes to perfect your streetfighting techniques.

Possibly the game's greatest hidden treasure, though, is the inclusion of Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis, the guide-and-click PC adventure from 1992 (only if in stock on the Wii version). Refreshfully easy to unlock, it leave hopefully herald a new wave of resurrected LucasArts games for Nintendo's console. If I'm being totally honest, though, IT took this musician a while to readjust to the gameplay rhythms of such a talks-heavy adventure. I'm perhaps more thankful of the idea of including the game as a nod to Indy's gambling legacy than in reality playing through it once again. I judge I'm not the man I was 10 years ago … but then, information technology's non the years, IT's the mileage.

Tail Run along: True to the rollicking spirit of the franchise and put together with fan service in mind – Han Alone is an unlockable character! – this plucky game is a throwback in many first-class ways. Experienced players will snap through it, though.

Recommendation: Should you get it? Derring-do.

Graeme Virtue is a self-employed writer based in Scotland. You can attempt to follow his blue eating habits at Trampy And The Tramp's Glasgow Of Curry.

This review is supported the Nintendo Wii reading of the gimpy.


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